Campus Ministry Team


The College Outreach Ministry began at St. Philip in the early 2000s.  Brian Counterman discovered this great ministry when he was a guest musician at a Lutheran Church in Ft. Collins.  Brian led the team for a number of years, then passed it off to Susan Shepard. In 2008 Anne Henning became the team lead, and is the team lead currently (2022).  The College Outreach Ministry has 5 team members.  The team stays in contact with the college students, encouraging them and praying for them throughout their post-high school education.


Care packages are mailed to the students every Fall and Spring prior to finals.  Paper pennants are displayed in the church narthex highlighting the snacks needed.  The congregation generously supplies all the needed snacks for the roughly 50 care packages. The boxes contain approximately 15 individual snacks, along with notes from the Team lead and Pastor Brad.  Students may be undergraduate, post graduate or attending trade school. 


Each month personal Birthday cards are also sent from the Ministry Team and the Pastor. In the Spring we recognize all the college graduates with a card and through our church online newsletter.