Caring Ministries
“What does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness and to walk humbly with your God?” Micah 6:8
Each of the worship services at St. Philip Lutheran end with the words, “Go in peace. Serve the Lord.” The congregation responds, “Thanks be to God!” We take these words to heart as we send people out into the world to serve. Jesus calls us to a faith that is active in love. The opportunities to live out our faith are as varied as the lives of our people.
Here are some specific ways St. Philip is reaching out locally as a community of faith:
- Diaper Ministry –
Once a month a small team of volunteers work together to distribute free diapers and baby wipes to families in need. We partner with Love INC (Love In the Name of Christ) for folks who qualify. While guests come to receive their diapers, they also receive relationships through our prayer partners, fresh baked pastries, hot coffee, and a fun play area with childcare. To sign up to volunteer in this outreach, click here: St. Philip Lutheran Church: “Dipes and Wipes”- A Ministry of Love Inc. ( To learn more about Love Inc. go to Home | Love Inc. Littleton (
- Sharing with Sheridan Food Pantry – The Food Pantry is located at the Sheridan Recreation Center in Sheridan, CO. 3325 W Oxford Ave, Denver, CO 80236 Here are a few quick facts about us:
- We opened 6/5/14. We are open for food distributions on Thursdays from 2:30-4:30pm.
- We served more than 18,000 individuals in 2022, averaging 110 families per week.
- Continuing the drive-thru distribution model adopted early in the pandemic has allowed us to continue to serve many more families, but we need approximately 20 volunteers every week.
- We acquire most of our food through donations and local food banks including Food Bank of the Rockies and FERN. To volunteer, contact:
- Community Garden- The past nine years the garden has donated over 800 pounds of fresh produce to the Sheridan
Food Bank each summer. Our garden is a beautiful place to grow your favorite flowers or vegetables even for yourself. If you are interested in sponsoring a plot or volunteering, please contact the church office.
- College Outreach-A team of volunteers mail care packages to college students every Fall and Spring prior to finals. Paper pennants are displayed in the church narthex highlighting the snacks needed and the congregation generously supplies all the needed snacks for the roughly 50 college students. The boxes contain approximately 15 individual snacks, along with notes from the team lead and Pastor Brad. Students may be undergraduate, post graduate or attending trade school. Each month personal Birthday cards are also sent from the Ministry Team and the Pastor. In the Spring we recognize all the college graduates with a card and through our church online newsletter.
- Meal Trains- When individuals or families are in need of help with groceries or meals during a specific time frame, our congregation works together to provide them. Whether this is after bringing home a newborn or recovering from surgery, we are here to help.
- Habitat for Humanity and Holy Hammers- St. Philip is part of the Holy Hammers coalition of seven Lutheran churches in the area. We have several volunteer days throughout the year at a local new build or help at the Restore. Participants also have the opportunity to usher at a Rockies game which is a great fundraiser for new builds. All levels of volunteers are welcome. For more information look here: //
- Crop Walk-The CROP WALK is a nationwide movement sponsored by Church World Services to raise funds to end hunger and poverty in the U.S. and around the world. Many times, St. Philip has a team who participates in the annual walk in October. To find out more about the national event and organization, click here. CROP Walk
Here are some ways we are reaching out globally as a community of faith:
Diaper Ministry

Distribution of diapers…