2023 Stewardship Appeal for 2024
Dear, St. Philip Lutheran Church,
As you consider your financial contribution for 2024, we invite you to read the Stewardship Appeal Brochure (coming soon) to learn about stewardship, tithing, generosity and the hopes and dreams for St. Philip in 2024. When you give to St. Philip Lutheran Church, you are giving to God and you are helping St. Philip fulfill God’s mission for us! Your generosity makes an enormous difference. Thank you for your support of the ministry of St. Philip Lutheran Church.
I also invite you to fill out a Statement of Intent. This helps us as a church to determine our budget and plan for 2024. You can fill out a digital statement of intent card below or you can cut off the card at the bottom of the Stewardship Letter and bring it to church. Stewardship Sunday is on October 14-15 where we will be encouraging everyone to turn in their statement of intent card.